Early Registration Discount Extended to January 31
Course participants will learn from world-renowned experts in emergency medicine. The course, facilitated by faculty from Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, will use case studies, presentations, and interactive hands-on workshops to answer the following questions:
- How can we assure clinical quality in our ED?
- How can we provide state of the art emergency medicine care for our patients, particularly in the areas of sepsis, STEMI, and stroke emergencies?
- Why is having an effective quality assurance program essential for all practicing emergency physicians?
- What are the basic principles of effective ED quality metrics?
- What is an error and an adverse event and how do we appropriately implement the AHRQ severity scale in assessment of these?
- What is the role of the provider in error assessment?
- How can Morbidity & Mortality Conferences contribute to a well-functioning QI system?
- How do we perform a standard case assessment and use this to improve clinical quality?
- How can lean and Six Sigma practices help ED physicians treat their patients more safely?
- How do we do team training to maximize clinical care?
- How do we use a “triggers” system to improve quality by reducing time-to-interventions?
- How do we implement standardized clinical pathways and assess their impact on quality of care and reduce variability?
View the course program here.
Join us in Florence!
The course will be held at the Grand Hotel Baglioni located in Florence’s city center, a 2 minute walk from the Duomo, San Lorenzo market, and Florence’s main train station. Discounted room rates are available for all EQuIP attendees.